Applying for college can prove exciting for most students. However, writing and proofreading your college application can become a challenge. What should you leave out? How grammatically perfect should it be? What should you include? Well, most students can write […]
One of the most common questions that students tend to ask is how much it cost to write my college essay. Most of them tend to fail to overcome the thought of disorganization or irresponsibility to write their articles, which […]
Transition words help you resist the bad habit or utilize simple verb and sentence structure. The transitions also link your thoughts and ideas creatively and effectively to come up with a nuanced meaning. They also make your writing appear and […]
It’s always an exciting time to graduate high school and start applying for college or university. What many students don’t understand entails the hustle of the application process, which at times, can prove overwhelming and stressful. You always want to […]
The descriptive essay is used to create a vivid picture of a person, place, or subject. Its main plot is in the form of a personal story and observation. The main writing process includes observing the environment (places, people, actions, […]